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Check out:

The Nieighbourhood

Wigry National Park – this is an unforgettable cycling before the idyllic backdrop of dense forests and quiet lakes. Discover one of the most beautiful landscapes of the former Podlasien. Enjoy the tranquility and serenity of a tour of the most beautiful regions of Europe. Transport arms avenues lead through colorful meadows and fields, quiet shore invite to a picnic and lonely bays for a refreshing bath. In Podlasien seems time has stood still, it’s still one with himself and nature. The Bike paths lead through gently curled up mostly hilly terrain with few major climbs.
Kayak Trips on the Czarna Hańcza river :
One of the most magnificent attractions that we propose is Kanoo or Kayak trip on the part of the lake Wigry , which is connected to the lake where Czarna Hańcza leads to the heart of the Wigry National Park. On the way: Bivas, rare birds species and wild river. This part of the river is also for amateurs.
Vilnius day – Trakai
Morning explore the historic centre of the Lithuanian capital. A tour takes you e.g. To the old university, a sort of city within a city, the pilgrimage “Gate of Dawn,” in the old Jewish quarter and on the cathedral square with the re-built castle.
After lunch visit the town of Trakai with the same island Gothic castle, in the picturesque lake Galve. This was once the seat of the Lithuanian Grand Duke before capital Vilnius.